Our Purpose Statement -
Cam Can assists people with disabilities and their families to create innovative, personalised, flexible and sustainable arrangements that maximise their control over available resources, decision making and choice.

Marc & Anthea Lema - Cam Can Founders
Our Original Story -
Cameron is the ‘celebrity’ behind the establishment of Cam Can, as well as his own business, ‘Cam Can Services’. Cameron offers an amazing story about the positive effect family and friends can have on one person’s life. Initially committed to a life of despair due to limited options available to him, Cameron is now committed to a life of happiness and achievement. A focus on his strengths, not his vulnerabilities, now sees Cameron leading a good life.
You'll never walk alone

Cam Can was established in 2011 by Marc and Anthea Lema who felt disillusioned by the traditional services offered to people with disabilities. Wanting more for their son, Cameron, Marc and Anthea took a leap of faith, and followed their hearts and ideas. Assuming their frustrations were shared by many others, Marc and Anthea made a bold move by leaving their respective jobs, with the result being the establishment of Cam Can.
What started as two people and a lap-top in a lounge room, has evolved into thousands of lives being changed for the better. This success has been achieved by not compromising on their initial ideals for people with disability - to create innovative, personalised, flexible and sustainable arrangements that maximise their control over available resources, decision making and choice.
Read more about Cameron’s achievements and Cam Can’s origin in ‘Our Story’