Our Team Members
People working with Cam Can
At Cam Can, we prefer to think about staff as one team, rather than a hierarchical structure typically seen in other organisations. As one collective, we work together to always ensure our Members (people with disability) are central to everything we do, and everyone’s focus. All people working with Cam Can, regardless of their role, are strongly linked to Members. Whether a Support Worker, Manager or CEO, every staff member directly supports at least one Member to ensure they remain grounded and relevant in everything they do.
Our Operations Managers
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
Operations Managers have knowledge, skills and experience in Government and non-Government human service organisations. They are all values-driven, and enjoy the role of leading a team to achieve quality outcomes for Members. Operations Managers are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the organisation and managing a team of Coordinators and Supports Workers. Here are our wonderful Operations Managers:
Our Coordinators
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
Coordinators are carefully recruited to ensure they provide high quality support and services to people with disabilities, their families or carers. Coordinators have various backgrounds including professions in human and community services, Psychology, Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy. A fundamental aspect of the Coordinator role is to build and enhance productive relationships with people inside and outside of Cam Can, including Members, colleagues and external partners. Supporting Members to bring their plans to life, they liaise closely to jointly recruit, manage and mentor Support Workers to achieve Member’s goals. They are responsible for scheduling, monitoring, safeguarding and improving the quality of individualised services for Members in line with Cam Can’s values and purpose, and complying with Cam Can and NDIS Practice Standards, policies and procedures.
Here are our truly committed team of Coordinators:
Our Support Workers
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
Cam Can employs approximately 700-800 Support Workers. Each of the Support Workers are individually recruited to ensure they are ‘a good match’ to the interests, aspirations and goals of the Member they will support. Support Workers are people who have a genuine interest to improve lives of people with a disability. It is a varied role and includes many different responsibilities including:
Supporting people to live in their community
Providing personal care, when needed
Keeping people safe
Supporting people to reach their goals and aspirations
Ensuring people with a disability participate in appropriate activities
Respecting each person as an individual
Offering support they need to accomplish what they wish.
Whilst it would be nice to provide photos of each one of our Support Workers, of course, this is not possible. Please go to our Gallery page (Here) to enjoy some photos of the outcomes achieved by our team of Support Workers.